Even with rain, cold winds and the previously mentioned lack of insects, we managed to sneak out this morning and capture some rather nice images of late season residents. The Butterfly Pavilion was absolutely packed with kids today, including several school groups as well as the usual Friday crowds. Lots of fun, but also lots of activity in the gardens!

I managed to get a quick shot off of this common fruit fly (
Drosophila melanogaster) inside the Wings of the Tropics exhibit before we opted to head outside and try our luck in the field. These guys are extremely fond of the rotting bananas left out for the owl butterflies.

Of course, being this near to Big Dry Creek, we can always find mosquitos ranging around the outdoor gardens!

Art managed to locate a very nice example of an orbweaver spider, although I fear that her web was not in the best shape. After we managed to get off a couple of shots, she returned to the task of repair.

I have to say that this might be one of my favorite unlikeable insects, simply because of the association with my other favorite activity. A nice shot of a european hornet (
Vespa crabro).

Working hard to get that last minute pollen, this honeybee is covered from head to toe (antennae to thorax?), but still managed to allow a couple of moments for photos. Quite nice really.
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